individual tutor a college student and in this one-to-one mastery based environment these students outperformed their conventionally taught peers by two standard deviations. Now think about what Blum stumbled upon by simply changing the delivery of instruction to be more of a one-to-one mastery based environment % of those students outperform their conventionally taught students Blum solution is elegant simple it's beautiful but unfortunately for us it's not scalable we can't give every student their own teacher. We couldn't financially afford it and even if we could where would we find the teachers so we come back to this question what should we do for Jaylyn on the one hand you have technology transforming entire industries and yet there's obvious constraints and challenges around how we do that in Artificial intelligence & the future of education systems another hand. You have this compelling research that says the impact of a teacher on a child's learning and yet there's constraints and challenges around how we scale great teaching maybe the answer isn't either technology or great teaching maybe.