It's a booth and that intersection the blend of great technology and great teaching or what we would call a blended model of school you see in a traditional classroom we start the year in September let's say it's a fourth-grade class. And we move that class through in a linear fashion through a fourth grade curriculum assess them at the end of the year assuming that they have mastered that fourth grade material in the linear fashion and are ready to go on to the fifth grade. But if we assess those kids at the beginning of the year in September and Jaylyn school we would find and many schools like it these kids aren't ready for the grade there one or two or multiple years behind and if all we do is move them through a fourth grade curriculum well find at the end of the year they're not ready to advance. So rather than optimizes broken system we decided to blow it up metaphorically speaking we went into jail in school and we created every classroom to be a blended classroom and here's a picture of that every student has their own individual learning path let me deconstruct this classroom for you in the classroom. There are four distinct groups along the far left of the class from our group of students that are working individually on their computers they could be listening to an online lecture doing a game based problem reading a narrative. There's a group at the back that are working intensively with the teacher the teachers giving direct instruction from him or her this is a group that may be behind the curve there's a group in the middle that has gone through the first two groups and now applying what they've learned demonstrating mastery. They could be doing group work a project work writing an essay doing a scientific experiment and finally there's a fourth group along the far wall that are now online assessing what they just learned in those different rotation groups to confirm that they in fact learned. It but also to extend their learning curve to figure out now what they do next you can see how this model be great for students different modes of instruction meeting them