where they are different pacing but how does a teacher begin to teach in this environment in the old way. They knew what they're going to teach on Monday they knew what they're going to teach on Tuesday now you've got kids at different paces taking assessments at different times each with their own individual learning path and learning style matchbook learning. We do three things with these teachers to not only enable them to teach in a blended classroom but to thrive in it first we give them real-time data on each student they pull up a dashboard on their computer And they can see every student plotted both on their current performance and on their year to date performance now we obviously want to optimize both of those axes but the reality is kids accelerate and decelerate. They're learning at different times get stuck on stuck at different points in the curriculum and so what we do with this data is we can see trends and on that real- time data we give them real-time feedback what instructional strategies are working well with which groups which kids are working well with what instructional strategies and then the third thing. We do is we sit down with these teachers one-on-one every two weeks and we ask them a series of questions that actually their bet they're best able to answer not the technology are the students engaged in their learning.