What are you observing what's evidence of their that they're mastering what they're like what's their work product look like and finally based on the data what will you do next how will you regroup the students over the next two weeks what new strategies. You will use what existing strategies will you t tweak this enables them to prototype rapidly real-time data rapid feedback constant prototyping these three things have enabled other industries to completely transform themselves and this combination of daily feedback and bi-weekly sit downs enables us to coach. And mentor teachers over a hundred times individually in a given school year you'd have to be a professional athlete or a Hollywood actor to get that kind of coaching in your career but that's where we're elevating the profession of teaching that's how we take ordinary teachers. And make them extraordinary see our hope is that in September at the beginning of the school year if we start these kids not at their age or grade level but where they actually are academically and move them through individual learning paths with in small groups within classrooms led by a teacher in a blended environment. We can see by June that some of these kids would make a year's worth of growth some to some even three and let's face it these schools are that far behind they have to make this kind of growth if they're ever going to catch up but can it really work well in jail and school in our first year last year we took assessment at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. And compare the two points to figure out what their growth was during that year and what we found was percent of those kids in reading and percent of those kids in math made a gain of at least percent or more that's statistically significant because it represents percent represents at least a year's worth of learning within a single year. And then we looked at the data a little bit further on these kids and what we found of those kids was percent of those kids made a game between and percent made a game between and percent and get this percent made a gain of greater than percent that's more than three years worth of learning in a single year.