FORSTER COMMUNICATIONS – IMPACT DATA 2021-22 OUR TEAM IMPACT AREA 2020-21 2021-22 % CHANGE NOTES In 20/21 our numbers were high with the impact of the pandemic and these have Sickness days / person 2.97 1.65 -44% reduced in 21/22. Pre pandemic our sick days averaged 1.6 per person, so 21/22 is in line with pre-pandemic levels EING% of team who smoke 0% 0% WELLB The % of the team cycling to work increased % of team commuting by bike 38% 45% 18% as we returned to the office and there was a deliberate avoidance of public transport The number of cyclists increased in the year but Active commuter journeys 60% 60% 0% the number of journeys decreased from pre- pandemic levels because of hybrid working Training hours / person 30 31 0% Spend on training remained the same as the previous year but training types evolved with Individuals having one-to-one coaching 12 12 0% more full-team workshops and experiences as OPMENT we rebuilt culture with the return to the office DEVELAccess to the profession (work We have had no work experience or interns experience / paid internships) 0 0 0% during COVID. We are looking to relaunch in 2022-23 Y Member of Living Wage Campaign Yes Yes A AIR PHighest : lowest salary ratio 3.3 3.68 -12% New team member started on entry level F salary, still 27% above London Living Wage 26
Forster Communications Impact Report 2021-22 Page 25 Page 27