OUR BUSINESS IMPACT AREA 2020-21 2021-22 % CHANGE NOTES Increased rate of recycling, improved by Recycled : non recycled 85.15 87.13 2% changes to materials available for recycling by waste provider and cleaners sorting the waste before weighing and removing from the office Waste to landfill 0 0 ASTE Returning to the office from Q2 saw an in- W crease in waste although we still maintained Total waste KG / person 1.48 2.68 81% over 85% recycled waste and zero to landfill. Pre-pandemic this was 34Kg per person. Much of this reduction is down to reduced printing in the office APERKG / person 1 0.69 31% Continuing to progress towards a paperless P office % of suppliers who are members of 3 extra suppliers reported they are Living Living Wage Foundation 33% 40% 21% Wage employers on our supplier screening form % suppliers with Net Zero targets in We are changing our last supplier who has place 38% 98% 258% no interest in committing to Net Zero – project ongoing SUPPLIERS% total supplier spend with Net Zero targets in place 80% 99% 24% % of suppliers who are B Corps 10% 8% -20% Stopped using B-Corp coffee provider to start using a local provider to reduce plastic waste 25
Forster Communications Impact Report 2021-22 Page 24 Page 26