2022 MILESTONES m % 15 of the remaining unreached people groups in these countries are engaged by FCM partners. 9 engaged Last year, God used you to: MALI 8 engaged MAURITANIA 43 unreached NIGER 14 unreached 30 unreached m Intercede With Prayer m Strengthen Disciple Makers Arabian Over 1,750 people across the U.S. and 1,000 We hosted our first-ever summit of key African Peninsula African prayer groups prayed regularly for our partners. In October, 130 mission leaders and DMM disciple makers. practitioners from 10 West African countries were strengthened through training, collaboration, and m Reach The Unreached encouragement from fellow believers. 3 engaged Djibouti Indigenous disciple makers engaged 41 unreached SENEGAL Ethiopia people groups—including the final Unengaged m Give Generously 26 unreached Unreached People Group (UUPG) in Nigeria. Over $2,330,723 was given to advance the gospel north into 7 engaged 6 engaged Somalia 100 Lopawa people have already given their lives the Sahel region of Africa, support humanitarian work in NIGERIA to Jesus. Uganda, and train and catalyze DMM in the U.S. 53 unreached 8 engaged CHAD CAMEROON 80 unreached m Enable Multiplication m Share 20 Years Of Field Experience 34 unreached DMM trainings led to 998 new Discovery Bible We published our first 96-page DMM Training Manual Study groups, 3,410 new believers, and 244 new to equip disciple makers and coaches alike. The manual Map of Sahel churches planted across the Sahel and northern has already been translated into three key languages of Nigeria. the Sahel: French, Hausa, and Bambara. This map displays the number of unreached people groups engaged by FCM compared to the total number of unreached people groups in that country according to the Joshua Project. An 116 3,410 244 11 998 106 600 unreached people group is defined as less than or equal to 2% Evangelical. PEOPLE GROUPS NEW BELIEVERS CHURCHES COUNTRIES NEW DISCOVERY INDIGENOUS PEOPLE TRAINED ENGAGED PLANTED ENGAGED BIBLE STUDIES PARTNERS IN DMM Where We Are Today Where We're Going Next In 2023, FCM is conducting an audit of all data across Africa. Some data audits have been completed, while other locations will be audited in 2024. 6 Our Work in 2022 7

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