DMM IN ACTION Who is Jeremiah? The God During a sweltering visit with our partners in Mali, I was reading who sees my Bible as I rested. One disciple maker, a young Malian woman, walked by and asked what I was reading. “I’m reading Jeremiah,” I At our October summit for our African partners across replied. I was astonished when she asked: “Who is Jeremiah?” the Sahel, 13 disciple makers came from Cameroon and I was not surprised that she had never heard of the prophet Chad. They journeyed hundreds of miles to join the DMM Jeremiah. That’s to be expected from a new disciple. What floored training, risking abduction and violence along the way. me was the affirmation that she didn’t need to know anything In their absence, massive flooding swept across northern about Jeremiah before God could use her for His miraculous Cameroon and southern Chad. purposes. When they returned home, our disciple makers discovered Standing before me was a 21-year-old female who, having only that they had lost everything. recently come to faith in a 95% Muslim country, was already medicine, and temporary housing for our leading three Discovery Bible Studies at a Fulani refugee camp and Water filled their homes as high as their waists. Nothing one among Muslim college students. The fact that she was reading could be salvaged. Dusty roads were replaced with muddy displaced partners - but also access into the the Bible with Fulanis—a historically violent and difficult-to-reach waters that stretched as far as the eye could see. lives of their neighbors. nomadic people group that introduced Islam into West Africa— The regional disaster drove thousands of people from their They went about serving with purpose by distributing food was itself a miracle. homes. As they suffered alongside their displaced neighbors, to flood victims. Along the way, they prayerfully searched for m But God wasn’t finished. It wasn’t long before He these disciple makers believed God would provide divine people open to spiritual conversations. It wasn’t long before used her to baptize four Fulani men! help—and He would use the catastrophe to draw the persons of peace were identified in several villages. people around them to Himself. Within just four weeks of their return home, seven new She did not need to know everything about the Bible before she could obey what is in it. She is qualified to make disciples because m FCM’s generous donors quickly raised Discovery Bible Study groups with over 40 participants had of her obedience to God’s Word and surrender to His leading. $11,500 for disaster relief. These funds formed—people eager to discover more about this God who provided not only food, warm clothes, sees their suffering, and loves them. James Forlines Executive Director of FCM 8 How We Work 9

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