m To illustrate these principles, FCM 1. Pray & Fast THEORY OF CHANGE Discovery Bible Study developed the DMM Wheel: Praying, fasting, and listening to God aligns us to His leading. A Disciple Making Movement is: The DMM Wheel Thanks • Preceded, sustained, and advanced by prayer movements What is something you are thankful for? • The Lord’s work, so we fast to tune our ears to hear from Him Although DMM is relatively new to missions efforts, its Challenge 5. Embrace Multiplication • Impossible through our own strength and strategies principles are not. Rooted in prayer, fasting, and listening to God, What is a challenge or need that you, your family, or DMM is saturated simply with the longing to join God where your community are facing this week? From the start of a Discovery Group, each member has a He is working. The early Church used these same principles to Accountability role to play. Multiplication occurs when: 2. Serve with Purpose guide new believers and churches to be faithful disciples who How did you obey, share, and meet needs expressed obey the Word. The rapid multiplication experienced by the first • Members begin to hear from God and in the previous meeting? immediately start to obey and share what Genuinely caring for people and meeting followers of Christ is the same we seek to replicate today. needs creates acceptance into a community. Read they are learning Obedience must not be overlooked in this endeavor. Throughout This allows us to: Hebrews 8:10-12 • Members find new Persons of Peace and DISCIPLE Scripture, God blesses obedience. That’s why we equip believers form new Discovery Groups • Obey Jesus’ command to love our in DMM. By shifting from the often knowledge-based Reread • Members become coaches, generations of MAKING neighbors and enemies discipleship of the West to the obedience-based discipleship of Hebrews 8:10-12 MOVEMENTS Discovery Groups become churches, and • Specifically and effectively pray for people the Bible, we have witnessed ordinary people—empowered by all disciples continue to multiply the Spirit of God—make extraordinary gains in the race to finish Retell • Build trusting relationships and find persons the Great Commission. A group member retells the passage in his or her of peace own words. “Therefore go and make Group Discussion Questions 3. Find Persons of Peace disciples of all nations… • What does this passage say about God? 4. Start Discovery teaching them to obey • What does this passage say about people? Groups As seen in Luke 10 and Matthew 10, a person of peace • How will you obey the passage this week? is an individual in whose heart God has already been everything I have After finding a person of peace, we start a Discovery working. A person of peace is: commanded you.” • Who can you share this story with this week? Bible Study (DBS) with this person and their circle of • How can we help with one of the challenges influence. A DBS promotes obedience-based, group-based • Welcoming and hospitable MATTHEW 28:19-20 (NIV) shared today? discipleship. This creates accountability to the authority of • Interested in listening to & discussing spiritual ideas the Bible, reduces persecution, is easily reproducible, and • The key to gaining influence with the community holds the DNA of an emerging church. 10 How We Work

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