OUR STORY LETTER FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT We stand in awe of For those who have been walking with us, God has used your faithfulness. God is on mission all around us. He has invited His Church to be involved with Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, we are encouraged and We are grateful to you and our Father. The countless stories of our partners Him in His work. He has sent us to make disciples of all peoples to the ends of challenged to join God through: God's faithfulness. encourage us that He still does miraculous things on behalf of His people. the earth. He has placed His Holy Spirit in every believer to enable us to do the work. However, the need is massive and the laborers are few. So, Jesus told us to • A multiplication of trained disciple makers in at least 10 countries as fruit from For those who are new to the journey, we invite you to witness and join what pray that the Lord of the harvest would thrust forth laborers into the harvest field. the October 2022 DMM training in Abuja, Nigeria. In 2022, Final Command Ministries celebrated our 20th anniversary. God is doing. The Disciple Making Movements (DMM) approach is successful and efficient • A developing partnership with experienced and gifted DMM practitioners in the The ministry was born when, through prayer and fasting, its founders Blessings, at planting churches. It is built on a solid Biblical foundation. It highlights the Horn of Africa. sensed God calling them to the 19 most-unreached Muslim people significance of multiplication rather than simple addition to reach our world with • An opening door into the Arabian Peninsula. groups in sub-Saharan Africa. the gospel of Jesus Christ. Making disciples who make disciples is God’s strategy James Forlines to get the good news about Christ to every last people group on our planet. • Trained DMM partners targeting nine new UPGs (Unreached People Groups) Through providential circumstances, connecting with the Disciple Executive Director of Final Command Ministries and three UUPGs (Unengaged Unreached People Groups) in the Sahel. Making Movements (DMM) training of David Watson, and a strong Looking back on 2022, we thank God for allowing us to relationship with New Generations, movements have begun in all 19 partner with Him by: Yours for revival and harvest, people groups. We give all honor and praise to God. From the first century through the twentieth century, about twenty Christian • Releasing a new DMM training manual and training 130 multiplying leaders Claude King In 2011, the Lord redirected FCM to the Islamic strongholds of Africa: Movements were recorded. For decades, missiologists looked for how to from 10 Sahel countries meeting in Abuja, Nigeria. Co-Founder & Board President of Final Command Ministries the Sahel and North Africa. Home to nearly half of Africa’s unreached partner with God to see great Kingdom movements. Co-Author of Experiencing God, with 8 Million+ Copies Sold • Working with indigenous disciple makers in 11 countries among over 116 people groups, the Sahel holds the frontlines of the Christian and people groups to see 244 new churches started out of over 5,000 new and Islamic struggle for the continent. It has been said that whichever faith m Around the world today, there are more than 2,000 disciple making movements, primarily in Africa and Asia. existing Discovery Bible Studies. wins the battle for the Sahel will win the war for Africa. God has answered our prayers! • Participating in the engagement of the Lopawa people group, the last m In these last 11 years, our strong indigenous partners Nigerian UUPG (Unengaged Unreached People Group) where there are in the Sahel have engaged 116 predominantly Muslim But God is not just raising more disciples–He is refining His church and now over 100 followers of Christ. people groups for Christ. releasing the power of the Holy Spirit. • Introducing and spreading DMM principles and practices in North In more recent years, ministries in the United States have heard about these America and beyond. movements and sought our DMM training to penetrate the darkness in Jerry Trousdale Co-Founder & Board Member of Final Command Ministries our own culture. They are engaging the lost in their own Jerusalems today. Author of Miraculous Movements 4

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