We are by all means going north What’s Inside to reach the most unreached. 4 Our Story 5 Letter from the Board President OUR WORK IN 2022 6 2022 Milestones 7 Where It's Happening HOW WE WORK 8 DMM in Action 10 Theory of Change 12 Exploring DMM 14 Field Impact 15 In Their Words Our Mission U.S. PARTNERS 17 Virtually Engaging China Help people discover and obey God, and train them to 18 Engaging Apartment Residents replicate what they experience by sharing with others. 19 Engaging the Homeless 19 Engaging Muslims in America Why We Exist JOIN THE JOURNEY 20 Get Involved To glorify God and obey Jesus’ final command by facilitating 22 Financials Disciple Making Movements among least-reached peoples. 23 Leadership & Board of Directors

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