U.S. PARTNERS U.S. Partners Gordon and this Chinese believer first started having online Can DMM Discovery Bible Study meetings together with other Chinese believers. However, it soon became evident that his Western work here? presence was becoming a crutch. After he left the meetings and began coaching the disciple maker In recent years, ministries in the United States have started independently, she started seeing multiplication among her hearing about these movements happening among resistant countrymen as they started reaching their spouses, families, and Muslim people groups. Many have traveled with us to see for friends. Today, the Chinese disciple maker has helped plant 21 themselves. They have come back and asked what lessons from house churches in China. DMM can be learned to better engage with and disciple the lost in their own backyard. As a result, God has opened the doors for FCM to train and coach ministries throughout the United States—ranging from local churches and outreaches to national organizations—to “The Discovery Bible Study is just like an acorn. embrace multiplication principles in their discipleship efforts. As an acorn contains all of the DNA of an oak We have highlighted several partners, each of whom has been tree, so does the DBS contain all of the DNA of called by God to engage a unique group of people—people a simple, emerging church. The DBS enables in desperate need of His love and positioned to see rapid the ordinary, the unchurched, even the not-yet multiplication of disciples. believer to discover the God of the Bible.” m Virtually Engaging China Gordon Baines, a DMM Coach, trains leaders from Bridges, the Gordon Baines international student ministry of Cru. He also coaches a Chinese Final Command Ministries DMM Coach disciple maker via Zoom. She longs for her country to know the God of the Bible. 17

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