m Engaging Apartment Residents “There are signs everywhere that m Engaging the Homeless Churches are searching for ways to better reach their neighbors living in the our model is working to build By serving the desperate needs of New Orleans’ homeless margins—refugees, international students, people in or barely staying out a foundation for sustainable population, City Life NOLA is working to see the murder of poverty, and those held captive by substance abuse. In the United States, Kingdom movements in and capital of the United States transformed through disciple making these groups share a common denominator: they live in rental properties. through apartment living. It is movements. Nationwide, 55% of Americans live in apartments, and 25% live at or below the federal poverty level. undeniable that God is moving The organization seeks to establish a DMM Lab that immerses in the lives of employees and people into disciple making core values, enabling DMM to be Do you believe that God can change hearts in lonely and desperate residents. To God be the glory!” reproduced and sustained in any context. In 2022, their DMM communities? Lab hosted 17 mission teams of 191 short-term missionaries from 6 states to provide hands-on exposure training. By serving 125 To date, eight DBS groups are meeting, two of which have grown Launched in 2020, CityLife is committed to joining God in transforming Gary Jennings individuals per week with purpose through prayer walks, trash into simple churches. Seven individuals have professed their new apartment properties into flourishing and healthy communities by serving Executive Director of CityLife Apartment Ministry pickup, and food and water distribution, volunteers help City Life faith in Jesus through baptism. with purpose. FCM is mentoring CityLife to start disciple making movements NOLA’s leadership identify persons of peace to engage in studying in America’s “villages.” Planted in the Nashville metro area, CityLife is m Engaging Muslims in America God’s Word. becoming a proof of concept for effective disciple making in the margins. Final Command has three groups seeking to multiply disciples By God’s grace, doors have opened for CityLife to partner with 18 apartment among Muslims, immigrants, and refugees in the United States. communities, creating access to 14,000 residents, 4,818 apartment housing “The Lord has truly blessed our Focused in urban centers of Michigan and Tennessee, they are units, and 78 apartment employees. In 2022, over 900 volunteers and ministry and we are beginning to serving over 250 people by meeting various felt needs including 26 churches served to bring access ministry opportunities to life, such as see community transformation in English literacy, agriculture, and relationships. Their hearts chaplaincy, prayer walks, afterschool programs, and hospitality events. Service some of the most difficult areas are burdened for their neighbors and friends who are walking teams from nine churches across five states served with City Life to glean in spiritual darkness, completely separated from the Lord. hands-on training in this ministry concept. of New Orleans.” Encouraging progress has been made in several people coming to faith in Christ, but the soil is hard. Much prayer and fasting To date, six weekly Discovery Bible Studies are going strong, 12 people Dr. Jacob Crawford continues as they ask God for breakthrough. have given their lives to Christ, and five have publicly professed their new City Life NOLA Executive Director faith through baptism. One church has been planted in an apartment community, attended by 40 residents! 18 U.S. Partners 19

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