FIELD IMPACT IN THEIR WORDS It's working God is using the courage and faith of ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes. We are humbled to uplift our African brothers and sisters in Christ as they go to the toughest places. Here’s what they had to For decades, Christians have tried to share the gospel We come alongside ordinary believers and free them say after the October DMM training summit: into the hardest-to-reach places in Africa. The Sahel has with the fact that they don’t need a title or degree to historically seen slow progress due to daunting factors. reach the unreached. They simply need to depend Desperate poverty and harsh terrain make accessing on God through prayer, listen to His voice, obey His remote locations extremely difficult. Spiritual strongholds commands, and help others do the same. of paganism, violence manifested among Muslim people groups, and abductions and murders by terrorist groups If we want to multiply, we must simplify. And it’s working–in ways that only God can receive the glory. “It was like I had a veil on my face, but like Boko Haram are an everyday occurrence. With now the veil has been lifted. I can’t wait Africa’s rapidly-growing Muslim population, the battle is to go back and see my people.” “I was like a car without fuel and far from over. I EZECHIEL, MALI now I have the fuel. I will not go 26,406 back and continue in the traditional But God is the m The charts included display key data ways of teaching.” we’ve collected to measure change in “I’ve been reminded that to be able to impossibility specialist. movements: see movements we have to pray and fast I IBRAHIM, MAURITANIA and learn to hear from God.” Jesus gave His Church a task, and He intends to help us I LILIAN, CHAD “The idea of making things simple in order New in 2022 Existing in 2022 to multiply was transformational. Delegating finish it. His final command before His ascension clearly responsibility to new disciples has to happen.” indicates that making obedient disciples should be our “I know that what I have learned here will highest priority. I ABRAHAM, NIGER be more effective to bring more pagan 5,988 children and families to faith in Jesus.” We believe that God has called the African Church to 4,401 reach the unreached people groups on their continent. I DANIEL, NIGERIA “In church history we see different revolutions. In the 1,973 revolutions, they wanted to get back to the works Final Command’s role is to train indigenous disciple 244 998 of the primitive church. I believe we are in a new era makers in obedience-based discipleship. “Discipleship isn’t about having a lot of where DMM is replicating the primitive church. DMM TOTAL CHURCHES PLANTED* TOTAL DBS* TOTAL ATTENDING DBS* personal disciples, but having disciples is very authentic, and I feel this is the right formula to who are making other disciples.” engage Muslims.” I SALOMÉ, NIGER I YAHYA, NIGER 14 How We Work * In 2023, FCM is conducting an audit of all data across Africa. Some data audits have been completed, while other locations will be audited in 2024.

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