Priority 1: Priority 2: West Yorkshire LVEP Wake昀椀eld Tourism Networks The WY LVEP is a collaboration The consultation undertaken of tourism services of the West in producing this plan clearly Yorkshire local authorities, demonstrated the appetite for accredited as a Local Visitor greater collaboration with other Economy Partnership by operators and more opportunities VisitEngland. Its priorities and for discussion, debate and work programme are encapsulated cooperation. This will require new in its DMP. The key priority here groups and structures to facilitate is in in昀氀uencing upwards and and formalise. ensuring regional opportunities around marketing, development and management are taken Priority 3: forward for Wake昀椀eld. Local Voices The understanding, appreciation and buy-in of residents to tourism is vital. The contribution that tourism can make and the bene昀椀ts it can bring are considerable. But equally residents have a role to play in making tourism in their area a success. Image: Pontefract Liquorice Festival. Tatiana Hepplewhite. © 23
Wakefield Destination Management Plan Page 22 Page 24