Strategic Approach These are ambitious targets which, to achieve in the 昀椀ve-year lifetime of this Plan, will require a considered approach - one which takes into account the exciting developments that are in the pipeline and recognises that there are several fundamental actions required to make the most of them once they arrive. Those fundamental actions are: • Activating engagement – new ways of working to strengthen delivery and boost impact • Brilliant basics – getting the basics right to support a great o昀昀er • Market focus for marketing and development activity – identifying the growth markets which will result in more visitors, more exploration and more spend and focusing marketing and development activity on them. The next chapters explore these in more detail, setting out the priority areas for each. 20242024 These 昀椀fteen interventions are not necessarily everything that will happen - rather they are priority interventions which will make a measurable di昀昀erence to what’s on o昀昀er. 21
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