Priority 13: Priority 14: Priority 15: Events, Festivals Green & Blue Spaces Food & Drink & Exhibitions Wake昀椀eld’s green and blue 敮ⵇ䈠㐰〰㌰㈳ㄊ㠴㌠㸾䉄䌠ੂ吊〠〮㘱㠠〮㔷ਰ⸵㠸‰ㄮ㘱㠠〮㕦〠〠〲㔠㸾䉄䌠ੂ吊⽔吱‱⁔昊‰‰‱〳⸸㈱㠠呭†獣渊⽃㠼〰㠰〰䌱樊䕔䵃䑃 䉔ㄮ㔠⸹〰㘠呭㠰䅂〰䄶〱据ਯ䌲㔵⸵㜊〮㔸㠰‰⸶ㄸ‰⸵㜠㐶〮㠲ㄸ〰䕔䴸 䉔ਯ䌲ㅔਰ‰⸶ㄱ㠠〮㔸䌰〰㌾嵔䌠ੂ吊〠〮㘴䐠ㄸ㐲‾㹂䐰‰⸳〳⁔吱‱⁔昸䌱〰㡄〰ㄱk Extending the current spaces are under-recognised programme of events and under-utilised. They (includes indoor and outdoor have the potential to extend events, festivals, exhibitions the o昀昀er, encourage and public art) beyond its exploration and longer stays current scope and capacity - and, importantly, challenge constraints will bring bene昀椀ts perceptions of Wake昀椀eld. to residents and attract While developing permanent visitors. This will need careful uses, facilities and routes consideration of costs, will take time, in the short- logistics and should address term space can be animated the programming for new via events and ‘meanwhile venues and spaces, the use uses’ at key locations and of multi-site locations for at key times to bring life - current events to help them and visitors - to green and grow, as well as imaginative blue spaces. solutions such a fringe or entirely new events.
Wakefield Destination Management Plan Page 32 Page 34