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s KEY MESSAGES Supporting language for use as central themes and throughout communication and campaigns to reach all audiences. e Students & Parents Helping families thrive and succeed Education that matters for Idaho families g Your child can change the world for the better Help your kids find their happy place The opportunities for a better world are all around us - STEM helps us find them There’s something for everyone in STEM The key to unlock your child’s sense of wonder a Teachers & Educators s Let’s power Idaho’s future We are winning at the game of education with STEM Hard work and STEM education = prosperity for Idaho A team effort where all can win s We’re all growing together Business & Community Stewards of the land e Success starts here Be a part of Idaho’s innovation economy Joining forces with Idaho businesses/associations Successful tomorrows for everyone Idaho values are STEM values Security, stability, and fulfillment for all Idahoans VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 2 0 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER m

Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center - Page 20 Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 19 Page 21