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ONE SENTENCE DESCRIPTION The Idaho STEM Action Center is a catalyst of education and growth, creating a clear path to immediate and long-term success for students, parents, educators, businesses, and communities across the state of Idaho. BOILERPLATE e DESCRIPTION t The Idaho STEM Action Center is an education and growth catalyst helping a students, parents, educators, businesses, and communities create immediate and l long-term paths to success. As an incubator, connector, and advocate of STEM thinking p and initiatives, the center provides resources, support, and problem-solving r that spark innovation, and offer paths to prosperity based on Idahoans' shared e values of hard work, self-determination, family, and community stability. Learn more l at Visit us on Facebook, i Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. o b VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 1 9 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER

Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center - Page 19 Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 18 Page 20