16. Iam Yalid wa lam yulad (Q. 112:3) is preceded by A. Qul Huwal-Lāhu Ahad. B. Alluhus-Samad. C. Wa lam yakunl-Lahu kufuwan ahad. D. Lakum dinukun waliyadīn. 17. Which of the following is the greatest form of Jihad according to the Prophet (S.A.W.)? A. Performance of Hajj and ‘Umrah B. Writing of religious books c. Suppressing one's selfish desires D. Waging war in the course of Allah 18. La taghdab in Hadith 16 means A. avoid vain talk. B. do not get angry. c. mind your own business. D. do not be jealous. 19. The Sūrah which begins with four oaths is A. ad-Duhā. B. ‘Alaq. C. al-Kāfirūn D. at-Tīn 20. The Prophet lost his wife Khadjah in the year A. 610 C.E B. 616 C.E C. 617 C.E D. 619 C.E 21. Who among the following played a major role in the transmission of Hadith? A. Fātimah B. 'Ā'ishah c. Khadījah D. Hafsah 22. The supererogatory prayer with a single rak’ah is salātul A. Jama.ah. B. Safar. C. Kusūf. D. Witr. 23. A Juz' of the Qur’ān is sub-divided into the following except A. Rub'. ٠أذ Ni?£ e. Hizb. D. Manzil 24. The reign of caliph ‘Uthman b. .Affān is known for A. Hadith collection. B. tax collection. https://stcharlesedu.com C. standardization of the Qur'ān. D. justice and administrative fairness. 25. Imām Bukhārī is to 870 C.E as Imām Muslim is to A. 875 C.E B. 886 C.E c. 888 C.E D. 892 C.E