PAPER 2 ESSAY [100 marks] Answer four questions in all. Question 1 is compulsory. 1. Examine the significance of intentions as contained in Hadith 1 of an-Nawaw ̅ collection [25 marks] 2. Write on the biography of ‘Umar b. Khattb before lie became a caliph. [25 marks] 3. (a) Write Sratu-Falaq (Q. 113) preferably in Arabic or transliteration. [8 marks] (b) Translate it into English. [7 marks] (c) Comment on its teachings. [10 marks] 4. Explain the teachings of Islam on Destiny (Qadar). [25 marks] 5. "man 'ahadatha fi 'amrin hadh .... (Hadith 5 of an-Nawawi) (a) Complete the above Hadith. [8 marks] (b) Translate it into English. [7 marks] (c) Comment on its lessons. [10 marks] 6. Describe how alatus-Subh is performed. [25 marks]