7. Attainment of Allah's consciousness through fasting is mentioned in Qur’ān 2 verse A. 183 B. 193. C. 285. D. 286. 8. When Muhammad (S.A. W.) sought for protection in Ta'if in 620 C.E. he was A. received joyously by the people. B. stoned by the people of Ta'if. C. allowed to stay for few days. D. granted a conditional permit. 9. Imām an-Nasāī spent his days in A. Makkah. B. Khurasān, C. Bukhāra D. Sijistan. 10. Permanent exemption from Ramadān fest may be occasioned by A. old age. B. breast feeding, C. menstruation. D. pregnancy. 11. The following Sūwar begin with divine command to the Prophet except Sūrah A. an-Nās. B. al-Falaq. C. al-Kāfirūn. D ad-Duhā 12. Which of the following is not a form of Shirk according to the Qur’ān? A. Trinity B. Polytheism C. Atheism D. Monotheism 13. A major lesson contained in Hadith 16 of an-Nawawī is A. ability to control anger. B. unnecessary questioning, c. having good intentions. D. sincerity in faith. 14. Which of the following is an exclusive obligation of the husband? A. Provision of shelter B. Counselling C. Provision of job D. Domestic support 15. Qur'ān 24:32 is an injunction which A. discourages a Muslim from polygamy. https://stcharlesedu.com B. commands Muslims to mary more than one wife. C. enjoins Muslims to marry righteous partners D. allows a Muslim to divorce only when necessary.