Answer all the questions . Each questions is followed by four option lettered A to D . Find the correct option for each questions and shade in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below. Which of the following pairs of colour have no shade? A. Yellow and green B. White and black C. Brown and purple D. Red and blue The correct answer is white and black, which is lettered B and therefore answer space B would be shaded . [A] [B] [C] [D] Think carefully before you shade the answer space, erase completely any answer (s) you wish to change. Now answer the following questions. 1 . The type of pointing that deceives the eye is known as A . romantic painting B . realistic painting C . tromp el'oe il painting D . all e go ri cal painting 2. In perspective, distant objects appear A. bigger and taller B . smaller and taller C . bigger and shorter D. smaller and shorter 3 I mp as to is achieved b y using A . gouache and watercolour B . oil paints and gouache C . watercolour and oil points D . paste) and watercolour 4 In a drawing the highlight i s the part A . mostl y affected b y light B . less affected by light C . with heavy strokes D . with subtle strokes 5 T he addition of blue to white results in A . analogous B . shading C . complementary D. foxing 6 Weaving is to textiles as wash is to A . painting B . casting C . glazing D . caning