Visual Art WAEC Past Questions and Answers
Download West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination WASSCE/ WAEC Visual Art Past Questions and Answers - Objective; Essay & Practical
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WASSCE Visual Art Past Questions
SC7061 WASSCE SC 2021 VISUAL ART 1 Objective Test 50 Minutes Name: Index Number: THE WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates, 2021 SC 2021 VISUAL ART 1 50 Minutes Objective Test [ 50 marks ] Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top right - hand comer of this booklet and thereafter, read the following instruct ions care f ully. 1. Use HB pencil throughout. 2. If you have got a blank answer sheet, complete its top section as follows. (a) In the space marked Name , write in capital letters your surname followed by your other names . (b) In the spaces marked Examination , Year , Subject and Paper , write ‘ WASSCE (SC)’, ‘ 2021 ’ ‘ VISUAL ART ’ and ‘1’ respectively. (c) In the box marked Index Number , write your index number vertically in the spaces on the left - hand 112 side. There are numbered space s in line with each digit. Shade carefully the space with the same number as each digit. (d) In the box marked Paper Code , write the digits 402112 in the spaces on the left - hand side. Shade the corresponding numbered spaces in the same way as for your index number. (e) In the box marked Sex, shade the space marked M if you are male , or F if you are female . 3. If you have got a pre - printed answer sheet, check that the details are correctly printed, as described in 2 above. In the boxes marked Index N umber, Paper Code and Sex , reshade each of the shaded spaces. 4. An example is given below. This is for a male candidate whose name is Chinedu Oladapo DIKKO , whose index number is 4251102068 and who is offering General Mathematics / Mathematics ( Core ) 1. VISUAL ART
Answer all the questions . Each questions is followed by four option lettered A to D . Find the correct option for each questions and shade in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below. Which of the following pairs of colour have no shade? A. Yellow and green B. White and black C. Brown and purple D. Red and blue The correct answer is white and black, which is lettered B and therefore answer space B would be shaded . [A] [B] [C] [D] Think carefully before you shade the answer space, erase completely any answer (s) you wish to change. Now answer the following questions. 1 . The type of pointing that deceives the eye is known as A . romantic painting B . realistic painting C . tromp el'oe il painting D . all e go ri cal painting 2. In perspective, distant objects appear A. bigger and taller B . smaller and taller C . bigger and shorter D. smaller and shorter 3 I mp as to is achieved b y using A . gouache and watercolour B . oil paints and gouache C . watercolour and oil points D . paste) and watercolour 4 In a drawing the highlight i s the part A . mostl y affected b y light B . less affected by light C . with heavy strokes D . with subtle strokes 5 T he addition of blue to white results in A . analogous B . shading C . complementary D. foxing 6 Weaving is to textiles as wash is to A . painting B . casting C . glazing D . caning
7 Hue V alu e and intensity are A functions of colour B applications of colour C properties of colour D elements of colour 8 The substance used to reduce the porosity of a canvas is A. sizing B gelatin C. resin. D . lacquer 9 . A charcoal drawing is suitably preserved using A . resin B . fixative C . glaze D . oil 10. The point that has both the characteristics of water and oil as solvent is A acrylic B chalk pastel C crayon D watercolour 11 Subs tractive process is mainly achieved by using A metal B cement C wood D plaster of Paris 12 To avoid cracking, the potter adds A water B grog C slip D clay 13. To protect a pastel drawing an artist needs to A. spray with turpentine B. spray with fixative C. coat with linseed oil D. coat with oil paint 14. Melted wax to encaustic as egg yolk is to A. oil paint B . gouache C . tempera D . fresco 15. Whi ch of the following is not a printing technique? A . Relief B. Intaglio C . Stippling D . l.ithograpln
16. Whi ch of the following materials are suitable for painting? A . Watercolour nod was B . Paper and spatula C . Crayon mid squeegee D . Poster colour and acrylic 17. Resist method in textiles involves the following excepts A. tying B. stamping C. glazing D. waxing Use Figure 1 to answer questions 18 to 20 18. Figure 1 is group as A. still life B. portrait painting C. abstract drawing D. Figure drawing 19. Figure is title White roses, painted by A. Pablo Picasso B . George Scurat C . Vincent van G ogh D . Claude Monel 20. Figure 1 is made up of A . nature and animate object B . man - made and inanimate object C . lifeless and inanimate object D . nature and man - made object Use Figure 2 to answer questions 21 to 22 Figure 2 21 . The white areas in Figure 2 were created by A . using wax as a resist B . applying white on the surface C . cutting into the surface D . masking with a resist material

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