7 Hue V alu e and intensity are A functions of colour B applications of colour C properties of colour D elements of colour 8 The substance used to reduce the porosity of a canvas is A. sizing B gelatin C. resin. D . lacquer 9 . A charcoal drawing is suitably preserved using A . resin B . fixative C . glaze D . oil 10. The point that has both the characteristics of water and oil as solvent is A acrylic B chalk pastel C crayon D watercolour 11 Subs tractive process is mainly achieved by using A metal B cement C wood D plaster of Paris 12 To avoid cracking, the potter adds A water B grog C slip D clay 13. To protect a pastel drawing an artist needs to A. spray with turpentine B. spray with fixative C. coat with linseed oil D. coat with oil paint 14. Melted wax to encaustic as egg yolk is to A. oil paint B . gouache C . tempera D . fresco 15. Whi ch of the following is not a printing technique? A . Relief B. Intaglio C . Stippling D . l.ithograpln https://stcharlesedu.com