FACULTY SPOTLIGHT: Joey hinson – faculty of the year Patient. Kind. Genuine. Respectful. “Mr. Hinson is a superb teacher to move students to the next level,” the Awesome. Best Teacher Ever. inside and outside of the classroom,” nomination reads. his nominator for faculty of the year 吀栀ese are words students used to wrote. “He is kind and compassionate. “吀栀e fact that I was nominated by my describe the RCC Instructor of the Year, He leads by example peers, means more to me Joey Hinson. Hinson is a psychology and his open- than winning,” Hinson instructor at Robeson Community door policy allows said. “I’m just trying College, a position he has held for ten students to frequently to do my job, I have years. communicate with him. never wanted to be in Inside the classroom, the spotlight, I take the Prior to coming to RCC, Hinson taught he engages students responsibility of teaching for several years at Bladen Community and ensures they have a students seriously, but College and also taught while in graduate clear understanding of the recognition is much school at Appalachian State University the material.” appreciated.” for Caldwell Community College. Hinson was a bit shocked “Between mentoring and in disbelief when it 吀栀roughout his career, it is evident that students by being an advising coach, was announced he was selected as faculty Hinson has made an impact on his Mr. Hinson assists students and pushes of the year, saying that there were others students. them to succeed. He is an encourager who were just as deserving. and motivator. Mr. Hinson works hard Robeson community college Faculty / staff highlights Departments spread christmas cheer to community COSMETOLOGY some love to the Glena Flora residents.” Locklear, the senior director of 吀栀e cosmetology department at continuing education. “Our sta昀昀 in Robeson Community College recently Photos of the visit were shared on continuing education collected toys, visited Glena Flora Assisted Living in Facebook and were met with praise and bikes, and other gi昀琀s to help make the Lumberton as part of a community gratitude. holidays brighter for these children.” service project. 吀栀e department made gi昀琀 bags for each of the residents and “Just to see the glow on their faces made 吀栀e sta昀昀 collected enough gi昀琀s to 昀椀ll visited me rejoice in tears,” stated Christine two vans from the Robeson County with them, Elliott, an instructor in the cosmetology DSS o昀케ce. spreading program. “It was such a beautiful holiday experience.” Victor Dial and Blain Sealy picked up cheer and the gi昀琀s from Robeson Community Christmas CONTINUING EDUCATION College and were grateful for the joy support. throughout Santa’s elves at Robeson Community the facility. College worked hard to ensure that “We loved being able to do this,” stated children in need were not without Locklear. “It brings joy to our hearts “We wanted this holiday season. Employees in the to know that we were able to make a to do continuing education division worked di昀昀erence.” something for the residents to show together with the Department of Social them they were not forgotten during Services to collect toys for children, the holidays,” said Mary Ransom, the some of which are in foster care. program director of cosmetology. “It was an honor for our students, “We wanted to do this for the children department and administration to show in need in our area,” stated Christy