the RCC Foundation recently was the recipient of a $30,000 gi昀琀. 吀栀e gi昀琀 is from the Robert P. Holding Foundation and was presented to the college by First Citizens Bank to create the First Citizens Bank Endowed Scholarship. praise and appreciation by Jones and said, “And, I know that you will be here and this delegation will work hard to Lowery. to lead the charge.” make sure that you have the funding “吀栀e Foundation supports the programs of the North Carolina Community College System, and the gi昀琀 is to endow scholar- and the programs that you need.” ships,” said Hank Dunbar, Manager of Charitable and Philanthropy Services at First Citizens. “First Citizens Bank and the Rob- “I think we need to give a round of ap- Lowery touched on how critical com- plause to Madame President,” said Rep- munity colleges are to the future of President Singler thanked the delegation ert P. Holding Foundation are proud of the relationship they have with many of the North Carolina Community Colleges.” resentative Jones. “吀栀e President does a North Carolina. and guests for their support during her great job advocating for you guys.” closing remarks. Dunbar continued by saying, “吀栀e Foundation sees this gi昀琀 as the token of appreciation for all that the North Carolina Com- “Being able to have a partner at RCC is munity Colleges do to promote the education and welfare of the people of North Carolina.” Representative Lowery echoed those awesome,” said Lowery. “吀栀e company “We are extremely grateful to Senator sentiments, saying, “We have an awe- I work for works because of the gradu- Danny Britt, Representative Brenden some president here. It cannot be over- ates right here at RCC…that story could Jones, and Representative Jarrod Lowery stated how great of an institution this is be told thousands of times across North for their continued support of Robeson and the leadership that it has.” Carolina because it’s our community Community College and the entire colleges that train people and educate Great 58,” Singler said. “We are equally “Economic development starts right people that truly keeps North Carolina appreciative to every one of you for your here,” said Jones. “Education is the key running.” continued support and we look forward to economic development.” to working with you, partnering with “So, Madame President, thank you for you, on future initiatives that will keep “Just look at what’s happening in Robe- what you do,” Lowery said with admi- Robeson County thriving for years to son County right now, in 10 years it will ration. “Community colleges are critical c o me.” be unrecognizable,” as he predicted the and I understand how critical they are future growth of the region. “吀栀e trans- across the state.” 吀栀e event was catered by RCC Culinary formation that this county will see, and students, who created a St. Patrick’s Day the task that the people of this county “It is very critical to making sure that menu, complete with salad, sauteed Legisl愀琀ive Lunche漀渀 will have… just imagine what this cam- we not only have a workforce today but vegetables, roasted potatoes, chicken pus will look like in 10 years.” a workforce tomorrow,” Lowery said. marsala, beef brisket, rolls, and for des- “RCC will be the way to make sure we sert, key lime pie. Looking over at President Singler he have that workforce training available,