the RCC Foundation recently was the recipient of a $30,000 gi昀琀. 吀栀e gi昀琀 is from the Robert P. Holding Foundation and was presented to the college by First Citizens Bank to create the First Citizens Bank Endowed Scholarship. “吀栀e Foundation supports the programs of the North Carolina Community College System, and the gi昀琀 is to endow scholar- ships,” said Hank Dunbar, Manager of Charitable and Philanthropy Services at First Citizens. “First Citizens Bank and the Rob- ert P. Holding Foundation are proud of the relationship they have with many of the North Carolina Community Colleges.” Dunbar continued by saying, “吀栀e Foundation sees this gi昀琀 as the token of appreciation for all that the North Carolina Com- munity Colleges do to promote the education and welfare of the people of North Carolina.” Legisl愀琀ive Lunche漀渀 Robeson Community College was “At present, we are 4% higher than we “Due to his e昀昀orts, we were gi昀琀ed the honored to welcome North Carolina were during the 2021-2022 school year,” trucks and trailers that launched our Senator Danny Britt, and North Car- she said. very successful Truck Driver Training olina House Representatives Brendan program,” Singler stated. Jones and Jarrod Lowery, to its campus But Singler told those attending the in March. event that it’s not just about enrollment Senator Britt spoke brie昀氀y, thanking numbers, but student success. President Singler for her leadership on “吀栀is is our 昀椀rst legislative luncheon helping to make the career and technical since COVID and we are excited to “We have declared this the year of building happen. share the State of Robeson Community student success,” Singler said. “We know College with you,” said RCC President growth without student success is still “I thank all the people who worked with Melissa Singler as she welcomed the failure.” me on it, all of the Board Members, to North Carolina legislators and other make it happen,” Britt said. “I want to invited guests to campus. “Without your 吀栀e college is focusing on student reten- continue to bring back dollars to Robe- support and partnership, there would be tion, quality instruction and enhancing son County and Robeson Community no Robeson Community College.” instruction through on-going training College, I’m glad to be a part of the President Singler shared information on for faculty. process.” enrollment and growth happening at the Singler thanked Senator Britt and Rep- “I am a community college graduate,” college during her address. resentative Jones for “answering the call” Britt added. “吀栀ere are a lot of students in providing funding for a career and who will take that path, and if we can get “During the height of the pandemic, the technical building on RCC’s campus. them on that path in 8th and 9th grade, North Carolina Community College and hold on to them in high school for a System saw a 14% drop in enrollment in “In order to continue to grow and pros- little bit longer, then we might get some- the 2021-2022 school year compared to per, our students needed space designed thing done on our dropout rate, that’s 2018-2019. RCC’s enrollment jumped for today’s ever-advancing industry, what’s critical.” 17% during the same time frame,” along with areas to continue to upskill Singler said. “I attribute this to the hard our workforce in the tried-and-true “We recognize the bene昀椀t of quality work and dedication of our faculty and trades,” Singler said. “吀栀at building is education and the bene昀椀t of a quality sta昀昀, our willingness to think outside the now in the design phase.” workforce and what Robeson Com- box, and the continued support of our munity College does to help Robeson partners both in local and state govern- Although Representative Lowery is County,” said Britt. “It’s not just the col- ment and in business and industry.” newly elected to the House, President lege transfer programs, but the technical Singler reminded everyone that he is no programs as well.” Singler also announced that enrollment stranger to partnering with RCC. at RCC continues to grow. President Singler’s e昀昀orts were met with