“I am humbled, grateful, and shocked,” “It’s why we do this,” Hinson said. “I’ve Hinson serves as an advisor for the Hinson said. “I always thought I did an seen students come through my classes Minority Male Success Initiative and okay job, it’s nice to get recognized for and really 昀氀ourish, that is truly the for the C3 Partnership with NC State what you do, but I had no idea that this reward, and it doesn’t get much better University, he is a member of the was coming. I want to use this as an than that…it’s amazing to see what curriculum advising committee for opportunity to re昀氀ect well on RCC.” some of our students are doing, and to RCC’s Cosmetology program and To have been named the Instructor know the sacri昀椀ces that some of them also a member of the North Carolina of the Year in 2023 has an even more are making just to go school and earn a Community College Sociology and special meaning for Hinson. degree.” Psychology Association, and he serves as the assistant editor for the North “It has been a tough year,” Hinson said. Hinson says that teaching is a rewarding Carolina Community College Journal of “My father has cancer, and I have spent career. Many of his students – now Teaching Innovation. a lot of time at UNC, going back and graduates – have gone on to become forth and doing a lot of teaching from nurses, owners of salons, and business In his spare time, Hinson says he loves a hospital room… so this has been an executives, and some have even become music and playing his guitar. emotional time for me, at times I felt his co-workers. like I was hanging by a thread… so to “I have played in a few di昀昀erent bands get that recognition this year is just very “I wanted to make a di昀昀erence,” over the years, but now I mainly jam special to me.” Hinson said. “I like helping people and with some of my friends from time to motivating them, and teaching allows t i m e .” Seeing students succeed inside and me to do that… it’s something that I outside of the classroom is what Hinson l o v e .” calls “the reward.” Robeson community college Faculty / staff highlights Locklear appointed to Campbell becomes an Dr. Johnny Smith named assistant vice president academic dean Vice President Kenny Locklear, Cassidy Dr. Johnny Smith who has been Campbell, was was named as the selected to recently named Vice President of lead facilities, the Dean of Instruction and contractual Public Service Student Support services and and Applied Services and emergency Technology. serves as the Chief medical services “I am excited Academic O昀케cer at the college. and I am looking for the college. forward to “I’m really working with “I have a love for the community excited, I hope that I can make a big all the faculty and sta昀昀 at RCC,” di昀昀erence,” stated Locklear. “I look Campbell said. “吀栀ere is a lot of college system and I really wanted forward to helping to improve our potential growth in this area and to give back and support student campus, make it more user-friendly, there are many opportunities success,” stated Smith. “I have seen and more inviting for our students, for expansion through our 昀椀rsthand the impact that education faculty, sta昀昀 and visitors.” online o昀昀erings and regional and that community college has had partnerships.” Campbell will oversee all law on the lives of students and families As Assistant Vice President, he enforcement programs, EMS, and I want to be a part of that… I’m will also be focused on keeping the cosmetology, and the Industrial looking to add value to people, I’m college facilities up-to-date and Technologies division. looking for meaning… at this point discovering how to make it even in my life, meaning and adding value more state-of-the-art for students, Cassidy also teaches in the criminal to people’s lives is true wealth for faculty, and sta昀昀 to enjoy. justice program. me.” “Community College gives you a sustainable pathway, at least I know it did for me,” Freeman added.