Staff SPOTLIGHT: Cheryl Hemric – Staff of the year From winning international design mission of Robeson Community advertising and graphic design, an competitions to having an opportunity College…. She has strived for associate of arts in general studies, to photograph a sitting President on excellence, success, and an associate of arts in the campaign trail to breaking stories and results from business education. She also on the living conditions of students students, faculty, earned several certi昀椀cates a昀琀er the wrath of Hurricane Florence, and sta昀昀 by the in photography, computer Cheryl Hemric’s career in the North e昀昀orts she puts into graphics, and project Carolina Community College system promoting each and management. has been one journey a昀琀er another. every program that RCC o昀昀ers.” “GTCC was where I went Hemric was recently named the to school and working there Sta昀昀 Person of the Year at Robeson Hemric started allowed me to learn so much, Community College. her career as a not just about marketing, but graphic designer at Guilford Technical about education and the community According to her nominator, Hemric Community College, which is where college system,” Hemric said. “I who serves as the Public Information she earned three associate degrees stayed there for 17 years, it was a great O昀케cer, “is a living example of the – an associate of applied science in opportunity.” Robeson community college Faculty / staff highlights RCC’S CHRISTY LOCKLEAR SHARES LOVE OF BEEKEEPING WITH CHILDREN “Without honey bees we would the Queen, what were the odds of that were learning in class. Long Branch not exist,” Christy Locklear told happening? But it was just meant to Elementary was teaching about elementary students at Long Branch be, the kids were so excited to see the pollinators because it was Spring time. Elementary during a special Queen Bee… so we presentation she gave “For the children to be able to see the on pollination. bees in person with the observation hive, it helped bring what they were Christy serves as learning to life,” Christy said. “You the interim dean could just feel the excitement in the of continuing class, the kids had a million questions, education at Robeson they were very inquisitive.” Community College. Some of the children have already Part of her passion for decided they want to become beekeeping is sharing beekeepers too. her knowledge with others. She currently “吀栀ere are no age limits, you can learn teaches a continuing the trade at any time,” Christy said. education class at “It’s up to the parents if they would like RCC “In Business with Beekeeping” had a contest, that whomever found their children to discover more about and now she has set out to teach the the Queen Bee 昀椀rst, got a sticker.” beekeeping.” next generation about the importance of bees. “吀栀e kids thought it was neat to see If you or your children are interested how the other bees take care of her, in learning more about Beekeeping, “I taught 7 classes on Friday from 8am they loved it,” Christy said. please contact Christy Locklear at 910- – 12pm at Long Branch,” Christy told. 272-3609 or [email protected]. “I was in a hurry and had accidentally 吀栀e presentation went along with pulled out the frame of bees that had lessons the elementary students