Hemric’s artwork and designs have Stories on Robeson Community “I o昀琀en hear our students at RCC been seen all over the state – from College have also gone viral and have share experiences similar to mine as billboards along I-85, I-95, I-74, I-73, been picked up by local stations across I interact with them and share their and I-40 to ads in magazines such the United States including a昀케liates story of how community college has as BusinessNC and Our State, to in Hawaii, California, Texas, Missouri, changed their life,” Hemric said. “Our commercials broadcast in Lumberton, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Kansas, faculty and sta昀昀 at RCC are dedicated, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Greenville, Florida, Oregon, Virginia, Ohio, they care about our students, and they Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, and Indiana, Illinois, and Alabama to name love what they do. Our students are the Florence. a few. mission and that’s how every employee feels on our campus.” 吀栀e stories that Hemric has written “I love telling people that I am a have been shared around the globe product of the community college “吀栀at’s why I love what I do,” Hemric countless times, and her press releases system,” Hemric stated. “I would not said. “I love promoting community have been reported on by various be where I am today if I had not started college and all that you can achieve news outlets across the country at a community college. 吀栀e skills and with a two-year degree. My goal including 吀栀e Robesonian, WRAL, hands-on training that I received while as a graphic designer and now as a WECT, WWAY, WITN, WCTI, getting my degree in advertising and marketing director has always been to WNCT, and WNCN, Spectrum News, graphic design 25 years ago, I still use make community college look as good, WMBF, WFXB, WBTW, WPDE, to this day.” if not better than any 4-year institution EducationNC, CNN, MSNBC, and Al because I truly believe in our mission Jazeera News. and all that we do.” Robeson community college Faculty / staff highlights Coleman Reappointed to LOCKLEAR EARNS NATIONAL George Pate presents at leadership committee CODING CERTIFICATION national conference Raetta Coleman, Scottie Locklear George Pate, the the program became a lead instructor for director CPC in 2023, the Accounting of surgical which stands and Finance technology, for Certi昀椀ed program, gave was recently Professional a presentation re-appointed to Coder. at the 2023 another 2-year 吀栀e Certi昀椀ed TACTYC term to the Professional (Teachers of State Assembly Coder Accounting Leadership Certi昀椀cation at Two-Year Committee for the Association of (CPC) is considered the gold Colleges) National Conference in Surgical Technologists. standard in the medical coding Portland, OR. profession and is highly sought a昀琀er by employers in the healthcare His presentation was on Coleman is also the site evaluator industry. “Communication and feedback for the Accreditation Review “It was a 4-hour exam with 100 with students requires peanuts and Council on Education in Surgical questions…You had to know coding gorilla tape.” Part of the inspiration Technology and Surgical Assisting. for any kind of medical procedure,” from this topic, he says lies in how “It makes me feel good because I Locklear said, who passed the exam higher education has transformed am going in to review programs with 昀氀ying colors. “I worked hard to over the last four years with regard to make sure they are doing get those initials behind my name, to online learning. but it was a big bene昀椀t because now everything correctly,,” Coleman I know what to prepare our students “In this new age, it’s time we learn said. “It is an honor to serve on the for and let them know what they can how to better communicate with board.” expect.” our students,” stated Pate.