Oxendine and Strickland winners of 3rd Annual Battle of the Butts 吀栀e Battle of the Butts has become wait to see what else they do when they “吀栀at’s what I wanted to hear,” Ingram an annual tradition at Robeson 昀椀nish the program. I hope they decide said. “Her sauce is really good and Community College. 吀栀e competition to go big and do great things in the Chef complex, yet simple. It has a nuance of turned fundraiser World.” 昀氀avors, it’s a classic Carolina 昀氀avor… once raises money for you try it, you want to keep eating it.” Communities in Kasey’s sauce Schools by allowing is a Carolina Harvey’s rub is smokey, and sweet and has culinary arts students and Ketchup- what Chef Ingram calls a “backend heat.” the opportunity to based sauce “My inspiration was more or less the compete for who that’s sweet way that my family has made barbeque can create the best and savory. my whole life… I have cooked it for my rub and sauce and “I thought family for many years and this is how I then use that recipe about all season it,” Harvey said. “We were told to prepare barbeque the di昀昀erent to be as creative as we wanted to be, but plates that will be barbeque, needed to keep in mind our community, served to hundreds in sauces I had so I had that in mind as well.” the community. growing up and I knew I wanted to do apple cider vinegar of course because According to Ingram, the fundraiser Kasey Oxendine and Harvey Strickland I’m in North Carolina, and everyone should raised over $12,000. were declared winners of the 3rd around here loves vinegar in their Annual Battle of the Butts competition. barbeque,” said Kasey. “All proceeds go to Communities in Schools,” stated RCC’s Chef James Kasey’s sauce will be mixed into the “What was your real inspiration?” asked Ingram. “吀栀e money will be used to barbeque, and Harvey’s rub will be used Chef Ingram during a Facebook Live help keep kids in school and help them in preparing the pork for the smokers. promotion of the event. to graduate. It’s the biggest reason we continue the competition...If this “吀栀ey both did really good for being “My real inspiration was to win,” Kasey competition helps with that, then it’s all 昀椀rst-year students,” said Ingram. “I can’t said, as she laughed. the work is well worth it.” Robeson community college Student Success Stories “Education opens doors” RCC Alum Karen White’s Journey to Success At the age of 50, Karen education in 2011, but that’s Karen started out as a substitute teacher. White can 昀椀nally say “I not where her story begins, She came to Robeson Community did it.” Just recently she nor is it where it ends. College in 2006 and completed the was named the Lead E昀昀ective Teacher Training. It’s a Kindergarten teacher at As Karen was raising her course required to become quali昀椀ed to Long Branch Elementary, children, she o昀琀en would substitute teach in North Carolina. It’s a dream come true you volunteer at her children’s o昀昀ered face-to-face, as well as completely might say, and one she school. As a parent online, at RCC. worked extremely hard to volunteer, she was a part of achieve. the School Improvement “吀栀at was a big step for me,” Karen said. Team, SIT for short. It was “It was such a great class. It provided a “As I look out at my during that time that she great foundation.” classroom, it’s just a says she was encouraged by phenomenal feeling,” Karen said. teachers to go into the education 昀椀eld. A昀琀er the completion of the course, “Teaching is so ful昀椀lling… you can look Karen found work as a long-term sub back and see what you’ve accomplished “Long Branch Elementary has always for a 2nd-grade class. She remained every day.” been very supportive, very encouraging,” in that position for six months. It was said Karen. “As I was on the SIT team, also around this time that she decided Karen is an alumnus of Robeson they gave me a push, and that’s when I to become a bus driver for the Public Community College. She graduated with decided to go back to school.” Schools of Robeson County, a job she an associate’s degree in early childhood still has to this day.