A true love story: RCC Alums Artie and Fanina Stewart Meet Artie and Fanina Stewart. 吀栀ey been married for 12 years. 吀栀ey have Artie and Fanina say that along the way both know a lot about life and the three kids, six grandchildren, and one through their academic journey, “God struggles that can come with it, but they great-grandson, and they are Nana and sent us some angels…if it had not been also know a lot about Papa to 昀椀ve foster for them, we don’t know where we faith, hope, and love, grandchildren. would be.” of which they say the greatest is love. Not long a昀琀er they “Being visually impaired, it was hard,” married, the two said Artie. “But I would say that the 吀栀e two met each other decided to go back professors and the sta昀昀 made it worth at church, a divine to school to get their my while to go through all the obstacles connection you could say. degrees. 吀栀ey chose to get my degree.” Artie had been through a to do so at Robeson divorce, and Fanina was Community College. “吀栀ey really got us through,” said Artie. a single mother who had “All of those people were key to getting never been married. 吀栀e “I got smart and us to where we needed to be.” two had all but given up realized that the best on 昀椀nding true love, both way to a four-year 吀栀e two o昀琀en took classes together. telling God if they were to ever marry, degree was by attending a community that God would have to send them their college,” Artie stated. “I had started at “吀栀at was interesting,” Fanina said as she mate. Pembroke State University back in 1979, laughed. “It was di昀케cult at times, being but I didn’t 昀椀nish… but this felt better 40 in class together and also our son was in And so, God did just that. As they say, years later than when I was 21, 22.” school at the Early College as well.” God works in mysterious ways. Fanina shares a similar story, saying “It was competitive,” Artie said. “And Artie gave his phone number to Fanina, that she too went to Pembroke State stressful…But God got us through it.” saying her face turned bright red when University as well a昀琀er high school, but he did. He didn’t expect her to call, and stopped attending. Fanina 昀椀nished her degree in 2017 and when she did, she told him she had the Artie 昀椀nished a year later, walking across wrong number. But it didn’t take him “We both stopped early… and so we the stage in 2018. 吀栀ey both received an long to call her back. decided to go back and get our degrees associate of applied science in business Fast forward to today, the two have now and 昀椀nish what we started,” Fanina said. administration. Robeson community college Student Success Stories “I hammered on to go ahead and get an “It should have taken two years, but I did feeling.” associate’s degree, and I have built upon it in one,” Karen said. my education ever since,” stated Karen. Karen is currently working on her “When my drive kicked it, I made it When she took the position of Lead master’s degree in Education at UNCP. o昀케cial…the parent consulting element is Kindergarten Teacher, she knew all those what led me to RCC and when I started, years of hard work, studying and going “When I started at RCC.. it was not easy, I was well over 30 years old, but I was in to class, had paid o昀昀, but she also knew but it is so well worth it.” it to win it.” things would be di昀昀erent, in a good way. “I found out in my experience at RCC, A昀琀er graduation, Karen found work as a “I thought, ‘Boy is that a big change,’” that you are not just another name, childcare director in Columbus County. Karen said with a smile. they knew me personally, RCC is very It was a job she loved and worked at personable,” Karen said. “If parents for 8 years, but her heart was still set “Sometimes I ask God what have I got would encourage their students to start on becoming a teacher and having a myself into,” Karen said as she laughed out small at a community college and classroom to call her own. out loud. “But He has not le昀琀 me short by then go to the university, I believe that no means.” more people would reach their goals a lot When Karen came back to PSRC, she did better.” so as a teacher assistant. “吀栀e children can be a handful sometimes, but there is so much reward “RCC will be long-standing. It has stood Karen went back to school to get her in knowing that they are learning to love the test of time now and over the years… bachelor’s degree at UNCP, earning a education from you,” Karen said. “It is a Education opens doors, no matter your degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. blessing to be a part of the beginning of age.” their education, it’s the most phenomenal