to the doctor to complain about my “You may never be encouraged to go, Anniatha says that she has enjoyed knees, joints, high blood pressure and but I needed that push,” Anniatha her classes so far and doesn’t plan on I’d go home, sit down, and got bored, said. stopping anytime soon. I thought, I got to do something, I’m just wasting away.” She started out taking developmental “I’m never going to stop,” she said. classes in English to help her get a “Writing essays has helped me, it 吀栀at’s when she decided to come back 昀椀rm foundation on writing, and her helps broaden my mind. It makes you to school to 昀椀nish her degree, one she instructor says she has 昀氀ourished. more conscious of what you say, and had started so many years ago. if you are saying it correctly, which is “Age is just a number, Anniatha important.” “I would get o昀昀 work, go to school, is such a role model to the other and then I would stop,” she said of students,” RCC instructor Angela For others thinking about going back years past. “So I thought, maybe I’m Lamb said. “It is important to her to to school, Anniatha has a message. not too old, I could still get my degree have completion. She’s a good writer and so I made up my mind to go back and a good thinker… we are excited “Try it, just take one class at a time to school.” to see her move on to the next class, like I’m doing,” Anniatha says. “Just which will be English 111.” take your time, there’s no hurry.” Her husband she says has 昀椀ve to six credentials from RCC, including “If I’ve made everyone happy, my “Whatever makes you happy, do it. degrees and certi昀椀cates, and he living will not be in vain,” Anniatha Continue on your journey, go back to recommended she start at Robeson stated. “I always loved English in high school, sit on the porch, work in your Community College. school, and I’m still in love with it. 昀氀ower garden, whatever makes you happy – that’s what you need to do.” Robeson community college Student Success Stories RCC Grad Dulce Rocha named 2023 Academic Excellence Winner Each year, Robeson Community journey to reach her goals. She was to provide a path that will allow you to College selects one special student from born and raised in Leon, Guanajuato, achieve success today and tomorrow, its graduating class to be the recipient of Mexico. As she was growing up, she living out your dreams of becoming a the Academic Excellence Award. never thought that becoming a college nurse.” graduate would 吀栀is award is given out at each of the 58 be possible due to 吀栀e oldest of three children, community colleges in North Carolina 昀椀nancial hardships Rocha says she has always felt and signi昀椀es highest academic honor and civil insecurities responsible for being a role that a student can achieve. 吀栀is award she witnessed on a model to her younger siblings honors those who have set the bar high, daily basis. and wants to be able to take achieving the highest possible goals to care of her parents. She says attain the pinnacle of academic success. However, when her that now she has completed family moved to her degree at Robeson 吀栀e RCC 2023 recipient of the America, in hopes Community College, she will award was given to Dulce Rocha, of seeking a better be able to ful昀椀ll the promises an associate degree nursing student. life, her mindset she made to her family and be Rocha was recognized during the 2023 changed and she someone that her siblings and Commencement Ceremony . began to realize that others in her community can her dreams could become a reality. look up to for inspiration. “When I applied to the nursing program in the Spring of 2021, I was “吀栀is student knew that her parents “吀栀is journey has not been an easy fresh out of high school with a strong sacri昀椀ced everything for them to have one,” Rocha said. “I always say, “It is desire for success,” Rocha said. “I have the opportunity to receive a quality not about wanting to get up and do always been very goal driven and education,” RCC President Melissa the work, but rather being dedicated becoming a nurse has been my dream Singler said as she presented Rocha to your goals and doing everything since I was a little girl.” with the award. “We are thankful you can to cross that 昀椀nish line… My Robeson Community has been able to education is opening doors for me that Rocha faced many obstacles along her be a part of your story and to be able before I could only have dreamed of.”