Consistent and Impressive The Shubael Pond Project began in 2021 and world conditions and prove that these systems now has 13 homes participating. BCWC 昀椀nanced can achieve nitrogen reduction equal to or and managed the installation of KleanTu NitROE better than a municipal treatment plant. innovative/alternative (I/A) septic systems at each home with the latest installation completed As the chart below shows, these systems are in September 2023. The goal of this project is to proving they can reduce nitrogen by more test these systems in a neighborhood with real than 95%. In昀氀uent is how much nitrogen is 昀氀owing into the septic tank. E昀昀luent is how much nitrogen is coming out of the NitROE system. Municipal treatment plants target 3 mg/L Total Nitrogen (mg/L) from 12 of the NitROE systems as of September 2023 as reported by the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (MASSTC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Median Data BCWC worked closely with our partners at the US EPA, USGS, The Nature Conservancy, and the Town of Barnstable to implement this groundbreaking research pilot. “Performance is really impressive. We are consistently seeing lower than 10 mg/L in the e昀昀luent, frequently it is lower than that” says Dr. Sara Wigginton from MASSTC, who leads the monthly sampling of the Shubael NitROE systems. Dr. Wigginton further states that “the NitROE system is a strong candidate for the enhanced, innovative and alternative system that Cape Cod towns will be using to meet the new MassDEP regulations.” RIGHT: Dr. Wigginton with her colleagues collecting samples from the Shubael Pond Project NitROE systems. Fall 2023 | Barnstable Clean Water Coalition | 3
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