A Note From The Helm Regulations, Resources, and Results When it comes to new Innovative/Alternative (I/A) septic systems (individual wastewater treatment systems), we have currently assessed that the KleanTu NitROE I/A stands out as best in class. We believe that meaningful performance equates to removing 90% or more of the nitrogen in wastewater. Less than that is simply not good enough to protect our precious waters including groundwater, surface water, lakes, ponds, estuaries, and coastal waters. To that end, we acknowledge that an individual system alone doesn’t tell the whole story. Like any large municipal system, individual systems must reliably work together to achieve certi昀椀able performance. Regulators will look to an organization they refer to as a Responsible Management Entity (RME) to guarantee such performance. An RME will manage testing, performance certi昀椀cation, tracking, compliance, maintenance and more. There is much to be determined regarding the adoption Simply put, who will support and 昀椀x I/A systems? Who will of I/A systems, with the critical element of “performance” ensure the septic tank is pumped on time (not optional)? coming into the “feedback loop”. Regulators (both state That the required power is on? And so forth. One or more and local) must be con昀椀dent that performance standards businesses may be involved in this project. are being met. For many watersheds falling under the The local municipality, the Massachusetts Department of new Nitrogen Sensitive Area (NSA) regulations on Cape Environmental Protection (MassDEP), and the local Boards Cod, performance is the lynchpin. Sewer expansion may of Health all have “skin in the game”. Everyone needs to be guarantee 100% nitrogen removal in one sub-watershed, con昀椀dent regarding a system’s performance and what that but this is not a “zero-sum” game and money matters. means for regulations of our waters. Thus, if an I/A system delivers 90 or 95% removal for Who pays? For municipal sewer expansion, there are some fractional cost, is that good enough? various potential funding sources. The same should be true As a community how do we weigh the value of 95% for individual systems that fall under similar regulations, nitrogen removal within 5 years of a system’s installation, jurisdictions, and standards. This may include federal funds versus 100% in 20 or 30 years? via state revolving funds (SRF) loan program, tax credits at In this newsletter, we aim to provide answers, or at least the state and local level, grants, private and public loans, a roadmap, to answer some of these questions. We don’t individual homeowner payments (for services provided) have all the answers, but we can help. and more. Some of these payments may be wrapped into the RME structure and required; others may be up to We are also providing an update on the “best in class” I/A individual selection. technology we have been testing as part of our Shubael When it comes to 昀椀nding contractors in the town of Pond project. Recall that this is the only I/A project testing Barnstable, you can choose the company who will connect I/A’s in “real world” conditions. The results look great! your home to the sewer. Likewise, you should be able to select a contractor for your I/A installation, as well as for service elements such as who pumps your septic tank. 2 | Barnstable Clean Water Coalition | Fall 2023 BCleanWater.org
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