I Need a New Septic System, What Do I Do? More than 95% of Cape Cod homes have a cesspool or traditional septic system, commonly called a “Title 5 system” in Massachusetts. These systems do their job CURRENT SEWERED of removing wastewater from our homes AREAS ON CAPE COD and treating pathogens. However, they 95% OF TOTAL PARCELS If you are a homeowner with a Title 5 system that has failed or needs to be upgraded, it can be very confusing on what you need to do. The recent Title 5 state regulation changes (see page 6) make it even more daunting. And what if your town has a multi-decade sewer plan, like Barnstable’s 30-year Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan that just Map courtesy of Association to Preserve Cape Cod started a few years ago? Mini Wastewater Treatment System in Your Yard Nitrogen reducing septic systems, commonly referred to I/A systems that can reduce nitrogen by at least 90% as I/A systems, are an essential tool in the toolbox. Many are considered by MassDEP as “Best Available Control I/A systems can be a simple retro昀椀t to your existing Title Technology” (BACT) and what homeowners should 5 system or designed into a replacement of your overall consider when selecting a system. system. I/A systems typically have two functioning areas to aid in the nitri昀椀cation and denitri昀椀cation processes. In the 昀椀rst chamber, a calcareous material like limestone is used to balance the pH along with circulating air to convert the ammonia found in our liquid waste to nitrate. Once this happens, the liquid 昀氀ows into a second chamber that typically has a carbon source like woodchips. Here it will create denitrifying bacteria that in the absence of oxygen, the nitrate will convert to a harmless nitrogen gas. 4 | Barnstable Clean Water Coalition | Fall 2023 BCleanWater.org
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