172 His friends in the 18708 included not only De- chives Nationales, however, makes some sense of Notes gas, Monet, Guy de Maupassant, and Renoir — Gervex's naming Turquet. A manuscript entitled to Pages Gervex is one of the dancers in the middle ground "Salon de 1878, Proces-verbal de Pelection du 79-81 of Renoir's Moulin de la Galette of 1876 — but also Jury d'admission et de recompenses" gives the Alfred Stevens, Princess Mathilde Bonaparte, and names of all the jury members and votes received Ernest Meissonnier. There is no evidence that in their election. There were fifteen jurors for the Gervex was ever invited to show with the Indepen- painting section, as well as three supplementary dents (the Impressionists), even in 1874 and 1876, jurors, the runners-up in votes to the first fifteen. when their invitation list was very broad — though Then five jurors designated by the administration in their 1879 Salons, Castagnary, Huysmans, and are listed, followed by: "Mr. E. Turquet, deputy, Zola discussed Gervex in the same breath with supplementary juror designated by the admin- Renoir, Degas, and Manet. But by the early istration." Another nineteenth-century source ex- i88os, Gervex was considered to be the "enemy" plains that "Rolla fut refuse par le jury sur les by most members of the Impressionist-naturalist instances de M. Turquet, alors membre de la circle. On June 13, 1883, Camille Pissarro, for ex- Commission artistique des Beaux-Arts" - Because ample, wrote to his son Lucien: "II ne faut pas of the entreaties of Mr. Turquet, then a member of juger 1'art anglais comme ici on juge 1'art francais the Artistic Commission of the Fine Arts, Rolla sur Bastien-Lepage et Gervex" (One must not was refused by the jury (J. Uzanne, "Henry Ger- judge English art the way French art is judged, vex," Figures contemporaines tirees de 1'Album based on Bastien-Lepage and Gervex). And the Mariani, Paris, 11 vols., 1896—1908, vol. 6, n.p.). obsequious, successful pompier Fagerolles, of The Archives Nationales dossier titled "Salons an- Zola's 1886 UOeuvre, was based on Gervex. He nuels, 1873—1882" (F2i 535) contained nothing remained in favor with Degas, however. (Gervex for 1878. appears in Degas's 1885 pastel Six Friends at 94. Musset's poem was first published in the Dieppe.} Revue des Deux Mondes on August 15, 1833, and According to Gervex's memoirs, Edmond Tur- appeared in his Poesies completes of 1840. In a quet was responsible for the removal of Rolla in letter of 1983, Albert Boime suggested to me that 1878: "Cependant a peine ma toile etait-elle ac- Gervex's selection of Musset's "Rolla" as the basis crochee dans une des salles, que le surintendant of his 1878 modern-life picture was probably an des Beaux-Arts, Turquet, donnait 1'ordre brutal de attempt to bolster his modernity by the use of a 1'enlever sous pretexte d'immoralite, et cela avec "traditional, intellectually safe source." Boime also le complicite tacite du jury du Salon. Seul, parmi believes that interest in prostitution during the ses membres, Hebert avait fait entendre une voix early Third Republic may be connected to the days de protestation!" — Meanwhile my canvas had of the July Monarchy in other ways as well, espe- only just been hung in one of the exhibition rooms cially in view of the prominent themes of the orgy, when Turquet, the superintendent of Beaux-Arts, the courtesan, and moral degradation in the work gave the brutal order to remove it on the pretext of Thomas Couture and other artists active be- of immorality, and this was done with the tacit tween 1830 and 1848. On this and the importance complicity of the Salon jury. Alone, among its of Musset to artists of the July Monarchy, see Al- members, Hebert let be heard a dissenting voice! bert Boime, Thomas Couture and the Eclectic Vi- (Henri Gervex, Souvenirs, collected by Jules Ber- sion, New Haven, 1980, pp. 84, 86, 124—25, 148, taut, Paris, 1924, p. 34). It seems Gervex's mem- 152, 162, 168-75, 368-70, and p. 622 n. 35. ory may have been faulty, because Turquet was 95. "Le plus grand debauche"; "ou le liber- still a deputy in the Chambre des Deputes in the tinage est a meilleur marche, de la plus vieille en spring of 1878, and Phillipe de Chennevieres was vice et de la plus feconde." I have used the text of still the Directeur des Beaux-Arts. Turquet did not "Rolla" in Alfred de Musset, Premiers Poesies. become an official of the Ministere des Beaux-Arts Poesies nouvelles (edited and annotated by Patrick until 1879, when he was named to the position of Berthier), Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1976,. Sous-secretaire d'Etat in the Ministere de 1'In- pp. 203-27. struction Publique et des Beaux-Arts (according to 96. "Ce qui 1'a degradee, helas! c'est la mi- the 1879 Salon Livret). Dossier F2i 566 in the Ar- sere /Et non 1'amour de 1'or"; "Vos amours sont

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