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dores, vivants et poetiques; . . . vous n'etes pas aime" (In that chaste kiss his soul had parted,/ 173 publiques"; "les rideaux honteux de ce hideux And, for a moment, both had loved). The moment Notes repaire," "dans un bouge," "les murs de cette of redemption does not figure in Gervex's paint- to Pages chambre obscure et delabree." ing, because Marion is asleep. 81-83 97. Rolla considere d'un oeil melancolique 99. "De pesants chariots commencaient a rou- La belle Marion dormant sur son grand lit; ler"; "un groupe delaisse de chanteurs ambulants Je ne sais quoi d'horrible et presque murmuraient sur la place une ancienne romance." diabolique 100. Le Sphinx, "Echoes," p. i. Le faisait jusqu'aux os frissonner malgre i o i. A preliminary oil study for the male figure, lui. showing a distinctly premodern urban prospect Marion coutait cher. — Pour lui payer sa out the window, survived until recently. It was in nuit, the collection of M. Henry Basset of Paris and II avait depense sa derniere pistole. Montauban, but in 1984 the small oil was stolen Ses amis le savaient. Lui-meme, en from his Montauban residence, the Chateau de arrivant, Cabarieu. I discuss it in my "Representations of II s'etait pris la main et donne sa parole Prostitution," pp. 16-19; it is reproduced badly Que personne, au grand jour, ne le verrait there as plate 2. After 1878 - the exact date is un- vivant. known — Gervex made a medium-scale (33 3/4" X 42 3/4"), almost identical replica of the Bor- Quand Rolla sur les toits vit le soleil deaux Rolla (the replica is in the collection of Pyms paraitre, Gallery, London). See KMcC's discussion of the II alia s'appuyer au bord de la fenetre. two Rollas in Rural and Urban Images: An Exhi- bition of British and French Paintings, i8po-i

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