Peladan, Josephin, 144, i86n75 Reglementation (regulation of prostitution): 201 Pery, "Les Cocottes" ("The Tarts"), 60, 62 established, i; debated, 7; function of, 11 — 12, Index Picasso, Pablo, 44, 48—50, 51, 108, 163^2; 14; and clandestine prostitution, 12-13, 46, 94, Demoiselles d'Avignon, 5; Le 16 mars 1971 120—21, 133 — 34, 140, i85n4g; of prostitute's (March 16, 1971), 49 appearance, 56, 108, 165^, 180— 8ini5i; Pimps, 120, 141 decline of official prostitution, 133 — 34. See also Police, i, 11, 140. See also Reglementation; Abolitionism; Clandestine prostitution; Regulationism Regulationism Pompier art, 5, 6, 64-65. See also Salon art; Regnault, Felix, 138 individual artists Regulation of prostitution. See Reglementation; Popular art, 5, 138; illustrated press, 3. See also Regulationism Caricatures; individual artists Regulationism: categorization of prostitutes, Pothey, Alexandre, 106 10-11, 42-43; justifications for, 11-12, 43, 44, "Pres du boulevard" ("Near the Boulevard"), 120, 46, 115; neoregulationism, 12-13, 94, 140. See 121 also Abolitionism; Clandestine prostitution; Press censorship, i75nio5 Reglementation Prostitutes: number in Paris, i, 2, 5, 7; stereotypes Renard, Jules. See Draner, Jules of temperament, 2, 42, 43, 44, 46; working-class Renault, Leon, 13—14 women, 6, 14, 15, 75, 90, 91, 92—93, 108, 115, Renoir, Pierre Auguste, 6; UAssommoir 1 17—18, 131, 153; sexual deviance, 9—10, 48, illustrations, 5, 73 — 75, 74, i6gn68; Au Cafe (At 72, 90, 92; temporary, 10; exhibition of desire the Cafe), 103, 104; Chez la modiste (At the 6 1 Milliner), 116, 121 — 22, 12^, 124, 126 by, 19, 26, 28-29, 35, 3 > 4 * !34> H7» ^o; stereotypes of appearance, 20, 42 — 44, 47—48, Reuss, Louis, 62, 120—21, 139—40 50, 55, 69, 106; faces, 23, 47—48, 69, 83, 128; Riviere, Georges, 103, 106, 108, 111 childlike, 39, 42, 43, 44, 82; venal, 43, 44, 46, Robida, Albert, "Paris Nouveau" ("New Paris"), 60—61, 67, 81, 111, 118; sentimental, 43, 46; 8 i3 > 139 registered, 44, 116, i6^n^filles en carte, 56; distinctive clothing, 56, 108, 165^, Salon art: narrative in, 3; exclusion from, 5, 67, i8o-8ini5i; competition between, 63, 65, 67, 70, 75, 79, 83, 85, 88, i72ng3, i76nio6; nudes 142; friendship between, 101, 103, 106—07; in, 23, 36, 40, 41, 51, 82 — 83, 85—86, 88, 90, 91, earnings, 141. See also Rrothels; Courtesans; i76nio6, i77ni22. See also Pompier art Prostitution; and other individual topics Salon exhibitions: 1857, 2; 1865, 2; 1874, 65; 1877, Prostitution: modern public problem, 1 — 2, 5, 6—7, 67, 70, 75, 92; 1878, 3, 79, 83, 85, 88; 1881, 96. 94; and social boundaries, 2, 7, 12, 72; and See also Exhibitions public morality, 2, 7, 14—15, 61, 67, 71, 72, Sebillot, Paul, 78, 79, 87 92 — 93; and the commodification of sexuality, Second Empire, 2-3, 6, 11, 12, 59, 74 7-io, 33, 35, 39-40, 41-42, 70, 147, 150; a Second Republic, 2 state not a job, 10—11,42 — 43, 108, 111; Servet, D., 62 changes in styles of, 12, 19, 28, 35, 40, 133 — 34; Sexuality: instability, 6, 7, 13, 131, 152-53; economic causes, 60, 81, 116-18, 120, 141, marketplace, 7, 19, 23 (see also 1 79m 32. See also Brothels; Clandestine Commodification); and women's place, 9, 1 1, prostitution; Customers; Prostitutes; i58n45; deviance, 9—10, 11, 13, 15, 19,33,48, Regulationism 55, 71, 72, 90, 92; prostitution as public, 1 1; Proud'hon, P. J., 114 increase in, 13; women's responsibility for men's 13-14; artistic containment of, 26; and fashion, Quidam, Jean (Douglas Jerrold), "Un monsieur 58 — 59, 64; corsets and, 90—91, I78ni28. See qui suit les femmes" ("A Man Who Follows also Desire; Men; Women Women"), 56, J7 Shopping. See Department stores; Fashion Simmel, Georg, 7—9, 58, 64, 70 Raccrochage. See Solicitation Smoking: by women, 96, i Son 142; in brasseries, Racolage. See Solicitation 141 Realism: Degas, 27, 33, 40, 129; as modern goal, Solicitation: in brothels, 35-36, 41, i62n2i; on 27, 35, 124, 126, 128, 152; Manet, 144. See also the boulevards, 94, 96, I79ni32; in cafes and Avant-garde art; Glimpse pictures brasseries, 101, 111, 138-39, 140, 142;

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