2O2 Solicitation (continued] "Une Modiste," 118 Index raccrochage, 1 1 1. See also Desire, simulated by Urville, Flevy d', 13 prostitutes Somm, Henri (Francois- Clement Sommier), La Van Gogh, Vincent, 48, 49 Serveuse de bocks (The Waitress), 147, 148 Very, Anatole, U Amour et V argent (Love and Spectator ship: male, 55, 69, 72-73, 91, 112, 118, money), 3, 4 152, 153, i87n84; female, i6in2o; gendered, Verdi, Giuseppe, 2 i6in2o; and desire, i68n47 Vollard, Ambroise, 44, 87-88, i77nn6 "Sphinx, Le," 87, 89 Stereotypes: prostitutes' temperaments, 2, 42, 43, Waitresses. See Brasseries afemmes; Labor 44, 46; prostitutes' bodies, 20, 42-44, 47-48, Weill, Alexandre, 85, 90 50, 55, 69, 106; social classes, 48; women, 48; Women: difficulties telling "honest" from "loose," Jews, 48, 163^0. See also Ambiguity; Narrative 7, 43, 50, 56, 58, 64, 91-92, 150-52; Stevens, Alfred, 88 opposition between "honest" and "loose," 1 1, Stop (Louis Pierre Gabriel Bernard Morel-Retz), 13, 15, 43, 63, 114-15; infection of "honest" by Les Pretresses de Vamour venal (The High "loose," 14—15, 60, 61—63, 67, 74; stereotypes Priestesses of Venal Love), 60, 61, 67 of, 48; consumption and power of, 58-59, 74, Sue, Eugene, 2, 33 i65ng; legal status of, 113; paid work by, 113, 115—16, i82n7; doctrine of separate spheres, Tab ar ant, Adolphe, 143—44 113—15; self- definition, 116, 184^6. See also Taverns. See Brasseries afemmes; Cafes Men; Prostitutes; Sexuality; and other Third Republic, 6-7, 11, 172^4, i75nio5 individual topics Tissot, James, 6; La Demoiselle de magasin (The Work. See Labor Young Lady of the Shop), 124, i2j, 126 Working class: women as prostitutes, 6, 14, 15, 75, Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 3 2 lo8 18 1 9°> 9*> 9 ~93> > n5» n?- * 13 * *53; Travel guides, 93—96, 178— 79nni3i — 32, agitation, 96. See also Bourgeoisie; Class i79m 35 Worth, Charles Frederick, 59 Tricoche, Paris regenere (Paris Regenerated), j, 56 Turquet, Edmond, 172^3 Zola, Emile, 33, 65, 133, 139, 167^2; on sexual morality, 14; on fashion, 63, 64 Underwear, 69, 73, 75-76, 78, 86, 87-88, — works: L'Assommoir, 5, 60, 69, 70—71, 73 — 74, 169— 7on7i, i7on8i. See also Clothing; Corsets; 96, 117, 140, i6gn68; Nana, 5, 69, 71 — 73, Fashion 74—75, 78, i68n56, 168— 69^8; Therese Raquin, 2, 14

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