Landscaping How does landscaping impact water drainage? Landscaping is not usually included in the contractual agreement between a builder and a homeowner. However, landscaping decisions and implementation can cause significant damage to a home so it’s important to plan landscaping carefully and hire a professional if necessary. Across the Prairies and interior BC, the provinces can receive between 15 to 20 inches of precipitation per year. A 40’ x 100’ lot could receive more then14 inches or 31,900 gallons (144,800 liters) of rain so it’s important to consider the drainage plan for your lot when planning your landscape design. Here are some things to consider before landscaping: • Grassed areas generally require steeper drainage slopes compared to hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt • Planting beds should also be graded away from your foundation walls • Some species of trees (such as poplar) have invasive root systems that can enter utility corridors and weeping tile systems. Tree roots have been known to rupture water and sewer lines and can exert enough force to crack concrete basement walls. Plant trees away from the perimeter of the home • An established lawn prevents soil erosion. To avoid erosion, establish a lawn or implement your landscape design as soon as possible after the rough and final grades have been completed. EXTERIOR ELEMENTS 13

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