Eavestroughs & Downspouts Efficient rooftop drainage will help you keep your basement dry. Eavestroughs move water to downspouts and away from your home or from your downspout to the drain, below ground. During heavy rainfall, this drainage system can move hundreds of gallons of water in a single day so it’s important that eavestroughs are sloped towards the downspouts and are clear of debris. Surface particles from asphalt shingles are often washed away by rain and settle in the eavestroughs, reducing their efficiency. Clean your eavestroughs at least once a year to prevent this. Downspouts ending on sod usually feature an extension to move water farther from the perimeter of the home. Always return downspout extensions to their lowered positions after cutting the lawn. Surface drainage is far more efficient than weeping tile at keeping water away from your foundation. Weeping tile is a piping system that collects and channels subsurface water away from the foundation. Surface water (e.g. rainwater) must be directed away from the perimeter of the home to reduce demand on a weeping tile system. For more detailed water management strategies, check out our Surface Water Management brochure. Visit anhwp.com/surface- water 12 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM