How do I take care of my new landscaping? Newly planted lawns, shrubs or trees require special care and attention in the first few years to ensure proper root establishment. S O D Grass grows better in some areas than in others depending on exposure to sun, wind, rain and other factors such as drainage, soil type and maintenance. When establishing new sod, the first two weeks are critical. You should avoid walking on newly laid sod and should saturate the sod with water as soon as it’s laid. Keep the grass moist for the next few days and in the second week, reduce watering to every other day. Once the grass has ‘taken,’ a weekly watering is usually adequate. Water evenly and slowly so the water penetrates the soil without running off. Your lawn needs about 25mm (1 inch) of water a week—including rain—when it’s actively growing in the summer. You can track this with a rain gauge. Shallow watering results in a shallow root system, leaving the lawn susceptible to damage. Deep watering establishes a strong, healthy root system. Hot, sunny areas may need more water and shady areas may require less water. It’s important to avoid overwatering because saturated soil prevents air from reaching the root zone where it’s needed. Proper mowing keeps grass healthy. Grass cut too short is susceptible to sun damage. Landscapers recommend grass should be approximately 50 mm (2 inches) long and also suggest you never cut more than 3 cms (1.18 inches) of grass blade height at one time. Sharp mower blades will also prevent ragged, brown tips on the grass. If you mow frequently, fine clippings will decompose and help maintain the lawn. Heavy clippings must be removed from the lawn. Fertilizing for weed control also protects your lawn. Consult your garden centre for products and application techniques Finally, to give your lawn a healthy start in the spring, remove snow from shaded areas to avoid ‘winter kill.’ TREES AND SHRUBS Building and repairing root systems and ensuring plants have adequate water are the most important elements when establishing newly transplanted trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs should be watered immediately after being transplanted with quality drinking water that includes a root starter fertilizer. Do not use water high in sodium such as water from water softeners or from sloughs. Also, use well water with caution as some wells contain water with high salt content. Water shrubs and trees at least once per week for the first year. In the first year, fertilize with a root grow fertilizer each time Note: there are other effective methods to weed control withoput the use of chemicals, consult your local authority for guidlines 14 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM