Annex 2C: ROCOND 398 The chosen condition description should relfect the average condition over the total segment length. DEFINITION Unsealed shoulders provide a hard and safe surface for occasional use by vehicles and to provide for drainage of surface runoff. METHOD The total length of unsealed shoulder on both edges of the road is inspected over the length of the segment. It is the area within the ifrst meter outside the edge of the seal that is assessed to determine average condition. (The width of the unsealed shoulder outside the ifrst meter does NOT inlfuence the condition rating.) The condition score is the number against the condition description which best describes the average condition of unsealed shoulders existing over the total segment length. CONDITION SCORE 1 Adequate crossfall for drainage - Compact gravel - No loose stones - No scouring 2 No restriction to surface runoff - Minor scouring <25mm - Loose stones <30% of shoulder area— Adequate crossfall 3 Slight restriction to surface runoff - Scouring 25 < 40mm - Soft patches <10% of area - Loose stones covering >30% of area - Inadequate crossfall 4 Moderate restriction to surface runoff - Scouring 40 <80mm - Soft patches 10 < 50% of area - Inadequate or exaggerated crossfall - Loose stones 30 < 50% area 5 Major restriction to surface runoff - Scouring >80mm - Soft patches > 50% of area - Loose stones > 50%

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