Local Road Management Manual 397 Note: Special Considerations Unsealed shoulders are not rated if the seal extends for more than 0.5 meter outside a painted edge line. Where this occurs, the road is deemed to have a sealed shoulder and this sealed shoulder is rated accordingly. Occasionally, a segment will have an unsealed shoulder on one side and a sealed shoulder on the other, or have a sealed shoulder in the beginning of the segment and an unsealed shoulder at the end of a segment. In these circumstances, both are unsealed and sealed shoulder is rated. Comments regarding the length or position of shoulders can be recorded in the comments ifeld. The purpose of a shoulder is to provide support to the carriageway area on which the traiffc is designed to run. A poor shoulder condition contributes to the break down in structural condition of the designed carriageway area. Therefore shoulders are rated on their pavement support role not their safety aspect. 3.5. SHOULDERS Unsealed Shoulders 44 (Assessed over total length of segment) Sealed, Asphalt Surfaced,and Concrete Shoulders 45 (Assessed over total length of segment) 3.5.1. Unsealed Shoulders Assessed over total length of segment Note: Appropriate Condition Score Evidence of only one of each condition’s description needs to be present for that Condition Score to be applicable.

LRM Manual CMGP Page 396 Page 398