Annex 2C: ROCOND 396 DEFINITION Side drains provide for drainage of the road pavement and shoulder and condition is rated according to their ability to collect and discharge water runoff. METHOD The total length of provided drain on both edges of the road is inspected over the length of the segment. The condition score is the number against the condition description which best describes the average condition of side drains existing over the total segment length. This item is of secondary importance as the condition can change after a storm or maintenance action. The surveyor should not be distracted from the main aim of the survey, the road condition. CONDITION SCORE 1 Adequate shape and depth. Negligible scour, siltation or vegetation. Correct Longitudinal grade. 2 Pavement runoff not affected Obstruction (siltation, vegetation, scour) <30mm in drain waterway 3 Slight obstruction 30 < 50mm to runoff entering drain Obstruction (siltation, vegetation, scour) 30 < 50mm in drain waterway. 4 Moderate obstruction 50 < 100mm to runoff entering drain Obstruction (siltation, vegetation, scour) 50 < 100mm in drain waterway 5 Extreme Obstruction >100mm to runoff entering drain Obstruction (siltation, vegetation, scour) >100mm in drain waterway

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