Local Road Management Manual 399 area—Inadequate or exaggerated crossfall 3.5.2. Sealed, Asphalt Surfaced, and Concrete Shoulders Assessed over total length of segment DEFINITION . A sealed shoulder is only rated if it has a width of 0.5m or greater Defective areas may be potholed, unsuccessfully patched, deformed, faulty or stripped. METHOD For this item, the total length of shoulder on both edges of the road is inspected over the length of the segment. It is the surfaced area within the ifrst two meters outside the painted edge line that is assessed to determine average condition. If the condition score varies greatly between left and right shoulders (in the direction of increasing chainage), a separate score for each shoulder is required in the ifeld worksheet comment ifeld, i.e. left shoulder - 2, right shoulder – 5. Only the worst score is recorded under Sealed Shoulder. (See note in section 3.5.1 concerning the combination of sealed and unsealed shoulders.) The condition score is the number against the condition description which best describes the average condition of sealed shoulders existing over the total segment length. CONDITION SCORE 1 Defective area 0 - <2%/shoulder/km 2 Defective area 2 - <5%/shoulder/km 3 Defective area 5 - <15%/shoulder/km 4 Defective area 15 - 25%/shoulder/km 5 Defective area > 25%/shoulder/km

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