119 Local Road Management Manual b. Reshape and clean earth ditches including re- aligning the channel gradient and cross section proifle; c. Repair damaged cross drains and drainage structures including RCPC, box culverts, headwalls and catch basins; d. Repair damaged lined canals; e. Replace damaged and obsolete road signs, guardrails and kilometer posts; f. Repair or re-block damaged Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) specially on steep gradients including joints and cracks and damaged concrete bays; g. Repair other types of surface used on steep gradients; h. Repair damaged masonry riprap and other forms of slope protection; and i. Repair or retroift old bridges. 2.3.3 Emergency Maintenance From time to time, road accidents, extreme weather events, landslides, earthquakes and other incidents may occur. These cause unexpected damage to the road network rendering it impassable, unsafe or restricting its use to the travelling public. At such times, emergency maintenance may be needed and this could include: a. Urgent repairs to damaged road surfaces to make them safe for users, e.g. after rainstorm erosion, unauthorized excavation, or earthquake damage; b. Removal of fallen trees, land slide debris or debris dropped from passing vehicles, or unauthorized dumping or lfy tipping in the RROW; c. Urgent repairs to bridge following serious accidents or bad weather; and d. Putting up signages and maintenance of emergency diversions (detours). Assistance to police/national defense force as required.
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