Annex 5: Activity Standards for Local Gravel Road Maintenance 549 ACTIVITY NO. 132: MANUAL PATCHING OF UNPAVED SHOULDERS I. Description of Activity Use this activity for correcting minor erosion scars, ruts, depressions, corrugations, potholes, etc., on short sections of shoulder using labor- intensive methods and by adding new materials. Replenishing short sections of shoulder surface material (each with continuous length of not more than 50 shoulder meters) is included. II. Purpose To eliminate hazardous conditions and to provide smooth, well-drained shoulders. III. Schedule of Application Schedule repairs of hazardous conditions as soon as possible. Schedule routinely when shoulder drop-offs are greater than 5 cm, when defects prevent the use of the shoulder as a safety lane or when defects threaten the structure of the pavement and/or shoulder. If possible, schedule when natural moisture facilitates compaction. Schedule this activity when sub-grade failures (soft spots) are already corrected. IV. Construction Method 1. Place safety devices. 2. Restore shape of shoulder. 3. Place material in layers to facilitate compaction. 4. Compact each layer. 5. Shape surrounding surface or dig channels through high areas of surface, if needed, to allow water to drain, and report to PRMF Provincial Coach and Provincial Engineer said high areas for scheduling of needed corrective action. 6. Check cross-section, profile and drainage. Rework if needed. 7. Remove safety devices.

Local Road Management Manual Page 549 Page 551